Monday 6 July 2015

Things Are Coming Up Milhouse

Hello my Lovelies........ This picture captures a wild best friend.

.....This best friend is in natural habitat. Have food and tea with her bestest most loved friend in the entire world who is totally awesome.

               ...... Big hint that bestest of friends is me. I'm just that awesome.

My best friend featured above is Claudia. She's pretty great.

As per with best friends we have lots of fun and sillyness and lovely times.

This past year she's be off gallivanting about Europe learning stuff and speaking in foreign languages. I hear it's hard work but it all looks like a lot of fun and exploring to me. Thankfully much to our happiness and sanity she will be returning to old blighty in just 11 days!!!!! I've been missing her like crazy and I couldn't wait for her to come visit Brighton in the summer and see it in all it's glory. Beach, sea, piers the lot.  Today we had a quick skype session ( just over an hour) during which my gherkin had a mad idea. We were discussing money and jobs as we are both now legit adults we have serious conversations. Claudia was planning on finding a job in wales and spending the summer with her family have a jolly good time whilst at it. I was planning on getting a second job to save myself from a financial pit of despair.

During this rather depressing conversation where we realise neither of us have the money to see each other over the holidays, Claud just says, "I wish I could live in Brighton with you!" Clearly we have both completely lost the plot because I tell her why the heck not. Just get a summer job here and move in.

A few hours, a chat with the parents and a few job applications later it's official.
Should she get a job which she will. My gherkin is going to be living with me fore the summer!!!!

Even just a few days ago with the beautiful weather summer was making me feel awful. All of my housemates have gone home for the summer and I was going to be suck here the whole summer completely alone.  With next to no money and no company. Summer was as depressing as being here alone for the Christmas holidays.

Any who enough depressing talk.
This may be my most boring blog post yet but I'm essentially trying to tell you all to enjoy your summer, see your friends, try something new ( as long as it's legal) and don't let the bastards grind you down.
Happiness is round the corner you just need your best friend.

Iona xoxo

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