Monday 25 August 2014


This year has been a pretty hectic and big year. After many many years of being dragged through a very jagged and sharp hell I am finally going off to University!
Not just any University but one in my favourite city. My Mothership if you will.

The City of Brighton

Jeepers I'm so excited. It's just one huge big adventure and I can't wait to get started. I have so much to get ready and the delightful list I made does not seem to be getting any shorter.

This is just one page of it and much more needs to be added but I feel I covered the basics of teapot, wok and the highly accurate pasta server spoon. I assure you that is an upgrade from the previous name of pasta server thing with prongs that had been on my Ikea shopping list.

I of course mean this contraption though that specimen is rather conservative.
I personally find this fella rather fetching...

Therefor the following weeks will be filled with earning money (and actually saving it), stealing duplicates of items my mother has in the kitchen, sorting out a house to live in (I'm venturing to Brighton later this week to do just that), completing student finance doodahs, finding a form of employment in Brighton and having the occasional fun day in the British summer. Thermals at the ready!

The adventure awaits 
Iona xo

p.s. Thanks to and for unknowingly allowing me to commandeer pictures of pasta servers from them :)